PhD student (f/m/d)

The HOLTHUIS LAB invites applications for a PhD student to work on “Interrogating plasma membrane permeabilization and repair at nanoscale”. The successful candidate will join the DFG-funded Research Training Group RTG-2900 “nanomaterials@biomembranes”. Application deadline: June 30th 2024. Read more…

Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/d)

The HOLTHUIS LAB invites applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher to work on “Lipid Network Reconstruction and Computational Modeling for Inherited Metabolic Diseases” as part of the EU-funded research consortium Recon4IMD. Application deadline: January 31st 2024 Read more…

PhD defense Tolulope Sokoya

Brand new Doktor in the house! Congratulations with your outstanding PhD defense today, Dr. Tolulope Sokoya! Warm wishes from your proud Doktorvater and all your brothers & sisters in the Holthuis/Barisch Labs!

Prize for the best GRS talk

Congratulations to Tolu for winning the  at the @GordonConf Glycolipid & Sphingolipid Biology in Lucca, Italy.